Covid - Client Guide to Safety 

Covid – Client Guide to Safety

The Funky Salon will, along with recent Government Guideline changes no longer be requiring staff and clients to wear masks throughout their time in the salon. If you would like to request your Stylist to wear a mask during your appointment please ask and we will be happy to accommodate.

We believe that we have gone above and beyond with our Health and Safety procedures to ensure the risk of infection of Covid-19 is at its lowest.

Before you come into the salon

We would like to ask all clients that are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 not to come to their appointment.

Our staff have been educated on the symptoms and equally will not be working if they present any.

Coming into the salon 

Please use the hand sanitiser provided during your entrance to the salon.

If you have an appointment through the day we welcome you to approach reception. However please be mindful, if the reception looks crowded. Please wait outside.

Once you are into the salon please check in at the reception then feel free to grab a seat or where you have been allocated.  

Social distancing 

We are now operating one client at a time (on most days). This means your stylist will not be seeing another client while your colour is developing. In turn this means that there will be 50% less clients in the salon and in most cases no one sat next to you to keep appropriate distance.

In some cases where your stylist will see a client between your service, they will change/clean all PPE and you will still have appropriate distance from the next client for your protection. 

We are aiming in most cases to have 1 person (maximum 2 people work on your hair throughout your appointment).  



Hand sanitiser will be available in every chair & other areas around the Salon for your convenience and Safety. 


We have taken cleaning very seriously and will be cleaning thoroughly. Each section will be cleaned fully between each service.

Each stylist has their own disinfectant and has been trained to clean regularly & thoroughly. 

Your gown and towel will be new and not reused on anyone else. 


As our schedules are so tight and our waiting lists are so big we are sorry to say that anyone over 15 mins late may be turned away. However, as we don’t want to have anyone left without an appointments we will, where possible, offer a smaller service that fits in the time frame left. 

Being early 

We ask you to only enter our salon 5 minutes before your appointment so if you are early, please grab a coffee somewhere and be with us just before your appointment time. 


We would really appreciate if you would buy your retail from us, rather than online to support us moving forward. If you don’t want to do this, please don’t feel pressured- we appreciate your custom non the less. 

We will be selling retail as usual.


We will not wait till the end of the service so expect the bill to be taken at your feet before your hair is finished. This is to avoid congestion at reception. There will be minimal cash payments accepted exact monies only as no change is being kept at this time.

Please answer the following questions ahead of your appointment

Have you had the recent on set of a new continuous cough?

Do you have a high temperature?

Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell?


If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a team member or the management of The Funky Salon.